First Week

What an incredible first week of school! Nearly 4,000 faculty and staff enthusiastically welcomed students in grades Pre-K - 12 across 27 campuses. On the first day, 30,602 eager students filled the halls, and by the end of the week, that number grew to 31,313, all maintaining the same enthusiasm they had on day one. The shining sun and happy faces created the perfect atmosphere for the start of a new year. As students entered each building, excitement filled the air as friends reunited after a long summer, and teachers greeted their new classes with bright smiles.

Seniors experienced a special sense of anticipation as they faced their "last first day," realizing they have only a few short months until graduation. Meanwhile, kindergarten classrooms buzzed with wide-eyed five-year-olds ready to embark on their academic journey.

We proudly opened the doors to two new campuses: Jackson Elementary and Daniel L. Jones Middle School. Students and staff were thrilled to explore their new buildings and share the excitement with the students who will fill these halls for years to come. The first week was filled with activities designed to build connections with teachers and peers.

This year promises new and exciting experiences for everyone, and we look forward to seeing the incredible things our students will achieve.