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Laura Mauldin
Social Studies Teacher
Social Studies
Timothy Maurice
Spanish Teacher
World Languages
Becky McBreen
Attendance Clerk - HS
Front Office
Rod McCall
Social Studies Teacher
Social Studies
Holly McCleary
In School Suspension Aide
Student Support
Stacy McDonald
Science Teacher
Mindy McGowan
Computer Science Teacher
Alexis McKinney
SPED Teacher-Functional Acad
Special Education
Nicol Medina
SPED Orientation & Mobility
Special Education
Carson Meger
Credit Recovery Teacher
Student Support
Brittany Middleton
American Sign Language Teacher
World Languages
Ryan Miller
Instructional Tech Facilitator
Student Support
John Mitchell
Science Teacher
Tyler Moore
Athletic Coordinator
Lauren Mose
SPED Aide-Set
Special Education
Rebecca Moya
SPED Teacher-Set
Special Education
Michelle Nafziger
Asst Principal & Couns Secy
Front Office
Jonathan Nash
Assistant Principal - HS
Front Office
Elizabeth Negoslawski
Counselor - T-Z
Matthew Nicholls
Science Teacher