Weather Alerts & Guidelines

Weather Guidelines

Closing & Delay Procedures

To ensure that we have the most current phone information for weather-related emergencies, please ensure your Skyward Family Access account is updated whenever your contact information changes.

Inclement Weather Procedures
When inclement weather is possible, Prosper ISD district officials continually monitor weather conditions during the overnight and early morning hours. The district considers several factors before deciding to cancel, delay, or dismiss school early due to inclement weather. These primary factors include:

  • The health, safety, and welfare of students and staff; and the safe transport of students and staff to school.

  • Teenage drivers on the roads and their safety.

Cancellations, Delays, and Early Releases – How Decisions are Made
Making the call about whether we are in school, arrive late, leave early, or cancel school is always tricky.  Many factors come into play in these decisions, and the most significant decision is how to balance wanting our kids to stay in school learning and the safety of those same students and staff.

Prosper ISD comprises 58 square miles, and while roads may be clear in your immediate area, many families live in more remote, rural areas of the district.  We also have staff who drive in from across the Metroplex.  Therefore, we must take road conditions in surrounding areas into consideration.  In addition, a late start is difficult because we utilize a three-tiered bus transportation and school start schedule. That means our high school students will barely arrive before it is time for dismissal.  It makes for a very hectic day for families, teachers and students.

Our priority is to ensure that our buses, staff, and teen drivers will be safe when driving to school.

When inclement weather threatens normal school operations, the following steps are taken:

  1. District officials evaluate the roadways and travel conditions across the district.

  2. The Superintendent consults with Prosper ISD transportation staff and district safety and security personnel.

  3. After considering all the information received from external and internal sources, the Superintendent will decide as early as possible whether to delay or cancel school.

The Communication Process – What Happens Next
When a decision is made to cancel school, delay school, or dismiss school early, the district will notify parents through email, phone, and text notification alerts, and the Prosper ISD website will be updated as quickly as possible.

Information about school closures, delays, or early dismissal will also be communicated through the following media, including but not limited to:

  • Prosper ISD App - Automated system that sends a message to all phone numbers and email addresses in the database.

  • Severe Weather information will be posted on the PISD home page.

  • Prosper ISD Twitter: @ProsperISD

  • Prosper ISD Facebook

  • Prosper Instagram: @prosper_isd

  • Local television stations

  • Local radio stations

Because of the uncertainty of weather conditions, we ask that parents and staff monitor local media, the Prosper ISD website, and email before heading to school or sending children to the bus stop. An important rule of thumb to note is, if there is no announcement from Prosper ISD, then classes will be held on a normal schedule.

Weather Guidelines for Elementary Schools

During the hot days of summer, early fall, and late spring, there are frequent weather alerts. The following guidelines will apply to all elementary campuses. There will be no outside activity if one of the following alerts occurs:

  • "Feels like" temperature is above 100*

  • Temperature is below 40

  • Air quality levels in red or purple- unhealthy levels**

*Grade level team leaders will view and enter the school’s zip code, and view the needed "feels like" temperature. The "feels like" temperature considers the heat index, adjusts the temperature accordingly, and is an accurate measurement of how hot it really feels.

**Teachers are to check daily air quality indicators and sign up for daily alerts via email at AirNow Website.

Air Quality

Air Quality Level

Outdoor Activity


No outside activity


No outside activity


Possible respiratory alert

PISD restricts all elementary outdoor activity, when in PURPLE or RED air quality levels, which indicate unhealthy ozone levels for all students, even those with no respiratory health concerns.

Parents of students with asthma, respiratory problems, or environmental allergies significant enough to cause health concerns, must provide the teacher with a one-time written notice stating that they would like their child to stay indoors on ORANGE alert days or with specific temperatures, if different than those temperatures above.