Prosper Career Independent Study (PCIS)

What is PCIS?
PCIS is a unique experiential learning experience designed for Prosper ISD juniors and seniors. Students begin by focusing their study on a career topic of their choosing and conducting interviews with professionals in their chosen field. Students will then carefully select a mentor to work with for the remainder of the year. The mentors will help students understand and navigate both the study and the soft skills specific to the respective career field.  Course expectations include the development of an extensive research portfolio, written assessments of interviews and/or observations of professionals who work in that career field, and participation in the end of the year showcase at which students share their work and reflect on the learning. 

What are students saying about PCIS? “PCIS has taught me more about myself than anything else. This course allowed me a space to explore and step out of my comfort zone in many ways, while still being affirmed and grounded in my English studies. I built lasting relationships with teachers and students alike, as well as connected with over a hundred professionals who could potentially be the bridge to my future career.” -Olivia Savage  

“Throughout my time in PCIS I was able to gain insight into my career field and obtain real-world experience. I was also able to work with a professional in my career field and together we created a product that can be utilized within the business. I value the time I was able to spend in this independent study class as I have learned not only about my career but essential skills such as communication, presentation, and time management.” -Rachana Mohan  

“PCIS has been an incredibly rewarding experience as I have practiced professional communication skills, gained experience working in a professional environment, and created a plan for my future career. I am so grateful to have found my passion for a career while in PCIS.” -Jenna Ray 

 “It has helped me achieve a goal because it pushed me out of my comfort zone and made me do things that I would never do if I didn't take this class.” -Carson Bindert  

“PCIS has helped me learn to be more professional and prepared me for work in the business world.” -Emily Wright

PCIS Application
The application for the 2024-2025 school year are currently closed.

 For questions about the course, please contact:

Prosper HS - Tiffany Ballard
Rock Hill HS - Coshari Chacchia
Walnut Grove HS - Ginger McClendon