Prosper Career Independent Study (PCIS)

What is PCIS?
Prosper ISD’s Career Independent Study (PCIS) program provides junior and senior students an opportunity to conduct a self-directed, in-depth study of a career of their choice while gaining real-world experience under the guidance of a mentor in their respective field.  Students begin by perfecting professional skills such as resume writing and digital portfolio creation. They also focus on the importance of soft skills such as handshaking, networking, and phone/email etiquette. Students conduct interviews with professionals from their chosen field, leading to identifying a mentor whom they will work with for the remainder of the year. Students work alongside their mentor in identifying a problem or opportunity in their chosen career field, and a proposed solution in the form of a product or service. Course expectations include the development of an extensive research portfolio, written assessments of evidence(s) of learning, participation in a networking business symposium, and participation in the end of the year showcase at which students showcase their findings.

 For questions about the course, please contact:

Prosper HS - Tiffany Ballard
Rock Hill HS - Coshari Chacchia
Walnut Grove HS - Ginger McClendon