Suzuki Enrollment

Are you thinking about applying for the Prosper ISD Suzuki program?
Thank you for considering the Prosper ISD Suzuki program for your family! Suzuki is more than learning an instrument. It is a way to develop the character of your child and to bring families closer together.
The Suzuki program began in the fall of 2016 with a violin studio at Windsong Ranch Elementary. In the fall of 2020, the program expanded to include an additional violin studio at Johnson Elementary. In the fall of 2024, Suzuki instruction will also be offered at Jackson Elementary.
Each child in the Prosper ISD Suzuki program receives one individual lesson each week at school, along with regular group classes before school. In addition, Suzuki students regularly perform throughout the district and the community.
What are the requirements to participate in the Prosper ISD Suzuki program?
Students in the Prosper ISD Suzuki program receive one individual lesson each week with their parent present at school. This lesson is scheduled during the child’s PE/Fine Arts time. Students learn to play the violin the Suzuki way, which means they learn their instrument the same way they learned to speak their first language. Just as parents are active during the language learning process, Suzuki parents learn the violin right alongside their child. Because the parent plays such an active role in the learning process, Suzuki parents are required to attend the individual lesson each week during the school day. Then, the adult who attends the weekly lesson must practice at home with the child throughout the week to complete the child’s Suzuki assignment.
Students receive regular group classes which are held before and after school. Parents are not required to attend the group class, but students must be present on time and picked up on time at the conclusion of after-school classes.
Suzuki students listen to recordings every day and learn to play the violin before they learn to read music. Emphasis is placed on character development and the idea that beautiful tone comes from a beautiful heart. For more information on the Suzuki way of learning, visit the Suzuki Association of the Americas website.
Although Suzuki violin is only offered at Jackson Elementary, Johnson Elementary, and Windsong Ranch Elementary, all students in Prosper ISD are eligible to apply and participate. If your home is located outside the attendance zones of Jackson, Johnson or Windsong Ranch Elementary, and your child is accepted into the program, your child will be given a transfer in order to attend school full-time at the Suzuki campus. If you have other elementary-aged children, you may also request a transfer for those children, so that your elementary students may all attend school together.
Bus service will not be available to Suzuki students outside their elementary zone, and bus service may not be available inside the 2-mile walk zone. Suzuki parents are responsible to provide daily transportation to and from school for their child to their Suzuki campus.
Students in grades kindergarten through 5th grade are eligible to participate.
Suzuki parents must attend several sessions of parent education before the child begins lessons. Ongoing parent education will be required each year afterward.
There is no fee to participate in the Suzuki program, but each family must purchase or rent the child’s violin. Each Suzuki student will have guidance from the Suzuki teacher to ensure the child has the appropriate size and quality of instrument.
Families are also required to purchase necessary Suzuki materials, such as sheet music and recordings, and will be responsible for incidental expenses such as performance attire and registration fees for performances throughout the year.
Participation in occasional performances and events held during evening and weekend hours is required.