Section 504 Complaint Processes/Avenues

1. Parents or guardians have the right to an impartial due process hearing and the right to be represented by counsel throughout the impartial due process hearing. All requests for an impartial due process hearing should be directed to the District’s Section 504 Coordinator at:

          Courtney L. Jennings, District 504 Coordinator
          605 East Seventh Street
          Prosper, Texas 75068
          469-219-2020 | Email Courtney L. Jennings

Upon receipt of a request for an impartial due process hearing, the District will promptly retain an impartial due process hearing officer and will notify you of the designation of a hearing officer, the time, date, and place of the hearing. 

2. Parents or guardians also have the right to appeal the impartial due process hearing officer’s decision to federal/state court as provided by the law or in writing to the District’s Section 504 coordinator who will coordinate the appropriate review procedure. 

3. Parents or guardians have the right to file a complaint of discrimination with the Office for Civil Rights (“OCR”). The OCR Regional Office Information is as follows: 

          Director, Office for Civil Rights, Region VI         
          1999 Bryan Street, Suite 1620
          Dallas, TX 75201-6810
          214-661-9600 | Email Office for Civil Rights.

4. Parents or guardians have the right to file a complaint through the District’s local grievance procedures pursuant to Prosper ISD Board Policies FB (LEGAL), FFH (LEGAL), FFH (LOCAL), or other applicable policies. The District will comply with all procedures provided in the Board Policies when a complaint is received. 

If you have any questions regarding the rights provided herein or how to access the complaint processes, please do not hesitate to contact the District’s Section 504 Coordinator.