About Prosper ISD
Our Vision
Grounded by Tradition, Soaring to New Beginnings.
Our Mission
The mission of PISD is to develop and graduate motivated, academically prepared individuals with the strength of character to make contributions to a rapidly changing society through an educational system that maintains high expectations, provides quality instruction and establishes a safe, orderly learning environment in the community that lives its name.
Our Beliefs
Students are first in all decisions
In valuing all students and their success and well-being
In innovation in curriculum and technology
In being intentional in creating opportunities that will propel students forward
In recruiting, hiring and retaining employees with the Prosper heart
In the importance of a supportive and demanding community
In our commitment to our Graduate Profile
In protecting our small-town feel
In providing a safe and nurturing environment for students and staff
Our success is grounded in tradition
Strategic Plan
Strategic planning is thoughtful, purposeful planning developed by district stakeholders. An effective Strategic Plan encompasses all facets of an organization and determines the organization’s long-term goals and the actions to take to accomplish these goals. Strategic Planning will truly influence the future by establishing a measurable plan and developing accountability to ensure that the plan is followed. The PISD Strategic Planning Committee met on May 8-9, 2018 for the Strategic Planning Retreat where members worked on the District Mission, Vision and Belief statements. Members then decided upon the Strategic Objectives and were broken into committees to work on their respective strategies. Each Strategic Objective Committee met a minimum of two times in person in addition to online collaboration to develop the final Strategic Objective Statements as well as the Corresponding Action Plans.